
My name is Katrina and I am an experienced Health and Wellness Practitioner offering a unique wellbeing service from my tranquil treatment room.

I had always had an interest in all things spiritual and from a young age had explored tarot and crystals but as so often happens, I was side tracked and began a career in London where I spent 13 years working in the corporate world of the sales and marketing and the events industry, after which I co-founded and jointly ran two companies for a further 13 years whilst also bringing up 4 children.

In 2011 whilst still working and being a mum to, at the time 3 very small children, I decided that now was the time to fulfil a lifelong desire to study psychology (looking back now I must have been crazy!) which reignited my holistic journey but I still wasn’t quite sure what do next, so I carried on learning and doing courses in the hope that it would eventually come to me!

Then after a life-altering family loss everything as i knew it changed but it also gave me the strength, confidence and clarity that I had needed to do what i had always dreamed of and set up my own holistic business, enabling me help people and work intuitively.

I have since trained in many different therapies including Facial and Foot Reflexology, Nutrition, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Reiki, Mindfulness, Baby & Toddler Reflex,Vitamin Injections and Phlebotomy, along with many other CPD Courses which have added to my professional training and experience.

I believe the passion I have for my work shows in each and every treatment and I will continue to expand my knowledge in order to always give you the best possible experience.

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